Aries March 2018

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

March is a significant month for you for different reasons. Firstly, this is the time of the year when you’re preparing yourself ready for the Sun’s move into your star sign Aries on the 20th. This is the date of the Equinox and an important date in astrology as a new zodiac year begins.

The Equinox brings with it a sense of a fresh start, new energy and a desire to take action and fast. In the northern hemisphere, this coincides with the onset of spring and themes of sowing seeds and new ideas coming to fruition.

There is no straightforward linear progression, however, this month. At times, you may feel confused about what next or be underprepared or unready for your next steps. Other times, you may be raring to go and eager to head off in a new direction.

The star sign before yours is Pisces, the last sign in the zodiac and the Sun’s here until the 20th. This is a time to go with the flow, do what feels right and trust your intuition. It’s a contemplative period in the year for you, a time when you’re wise to take stock and complete old projects before you begin anything new.

This is essential so consider how this applies to your own life. Certainly, you can come up with new ideas but don’t miss out on an important phase and leave a project or plan incomplete. During the first Full Moon of the month, which takes place on the 2nd, decide where you need to focus your attention. Be thorough and productive and push through any discomfort or lack of clarity to tick a significant item off your to do list.

Money, joint finances and emotional ties are relevant in this respect. Jupiter, the big planet, turns retrograde in Scorpio and your joint finance sector on the 9th. Plus, it teams up with the faster-moving planets, Venus, Mercury and the Sun on the 1st, 2nd and 13th respectively.

This means it’s vital to trust and have faith that things will work out. There may be help from other sources, other people who step in to guide you or give you advice. Also, note that any important financial or legal matter may reach a turning point early in the month. One possibility is that you have to wait until mid-July when Jupiter turns back to direct motion before you can make significant progress.

Hopefully, Jupiter shifting direction this month will move things forward. One of the best dates of the month for you is the 11th when your ruler Mars is strong in Jupiter’s star sign Sagittarius. On this date, Mars fires up the planet of change, Uranus, in your star sign Aries.

Take advantage of this lively astrology to be spontaneous and grab hold of new opportunities. Sagittarius rules the law but also publishing, travel and higher education.

Also, you have communication planet Mercury and the planet of relating, Venus, on your side from the 6th, another key date in the month. This is when both planets enter your star sign Aries, ideal for teamwork, socialising and to ensure you’re seen and heard. Step up your profile on or around this date.

Your ambitious nature is going to come and go throughout March but there will be significant shifts that help you make progress. Try not to worry too much about where you’re heading or why. Instead, take action. even if you make a mistake or encounter a false start, that’s par for the course with your current astrology. What’s vital is that you don’t let self-doubt or worry stop you in your tracks.

Your ruling planet, Mars, confirms the ambitious signature of the month as it enters Capricorn and your career and leadership sector on the 17th. Mars remains here until May 16th. This is a steely Mars, focused and capable.

You are going to have to step up your game, ready or not. First, however, you must close the door on the past because on the same day as Mar’s move into Capricorn, there’s a New Moon in Pisces, with its theme of endings. You can’t do everything now and you have to prioritise what’s urgent or important. What do you need to let go of before you can start something new?

Before rushing hither and thither, it’s imperative that you know this month’s key timing and this concerns Mercury retrograde. On the 23rd, one week after Mars’ move into Capricorn and three days after the Sun’s move into Aries, communication planet Mercury switches direction in your star sign Aries.

Mercury retraces its steps back through the zodiac until it reaches early degrees of your star sign, Aries. Mercury turns direct on April 15th, one day before a stunning New Moon in Aries on April 16th. This is powerful for you so bear these dates in mind and know that this is what you’re working towards.

Ramp up the pace once the Sun’s on your side, put energy and dynamism into your personal goals, get fit in your mind, body and soul. This is your time of year and, even though there will be stops and starts throughout March, you’re right to get ready for an important move in your life, a brand new chapter or beginning.

Love too may be part of the picture because love planet Venus is in your star sign Aries from the 6th to the 31st. This is a time when you attract people into your life or other people take an interest in you.

The 29th could be a stunning date for love and romance when Venus teams up with the planet of spontaneity, Uranus. Plus, two days later, on the 31st, there’s a second Full Moon in March, a Blue Moon, which takes place in Libra and your relationship sector. You may have to wait all month for love to soar but when it does, you’re likely to be in the right place at the right time.

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