Full Moon Capricorn: Extreme Measures

Full Moon

Full Moon [17 Capricorn 09] 

July 9 2017 (05:07 GMT +1) – London

July 9 2017 (00:07 GMT -4) – New York

July 9 2017 (14:07 GMT +10) – Sydney

The Full Moon takes place this weekend cutting across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac. These two signs are the foundations of the zodiac representing your past (Cancer) and your future (Capricorn). They are about where you come from, your home and family (Cancer) and where you’re heading, your career and vocation (Capricorn).

Ultimately we are all born into this life and at some point we must leave it. If we’re lucky the days inbetween will include both joy and pain, so we get to experience the whole gamut of life’s experience and take and learn from life what we can, digging deep to uncover hidden riches.

Full Moons are often a time of heightened emotions when important matters culminate and big events peak. They are a time to stop, listen and make key decisions that resonate with both your head and your heart. Sometimes the pull will be stronger in one direction but ideally this is a time to regain balance, to hold out for the truth.

Moon conjunct Pluto

This Full Moon packs a punch because the Moon is very close to extreme planet Pluto at its fullest. The Moon at 17 Capricorn sits next to Pluto at 18 Capricorn. So this adds emotional intensity to the Full Moon experience and you might find yourself in an all-or-nothing situation. It’s either-or, black or white with no grey areas inbetween.

Pluto rules all things hidden, secret or taboo. So this could be a Full Moon that reveals something which was previously unknown. Listen for insights as Pluto is the planet most closely linked to self-analysis. Dig deep for answers and tap into your subconscious. It’s here where you experience life on a subterranean level and this can bring a new sense of understanding.

Look out for death & rebirth symbols in your life, what needs to be reborn or where and how can self-transformation take place? Full Moons are associated with letting go and this is especially strong with Pluto in tow.

Cardinal Moon Aspects

If you are in the midst of a challenging situation, this Full Moon won’t necessarily be easy as it demands attention. The Moon in Capricorn encounters five planetary bodies in cardinal signs on the coming weekend, all oppositions or squares, so dig deep to confront what’s going on and don’t bury your head in the sand. Here are the key planetary aspects by square, opposition and conjunction:

Moon 14 Capricorn square Jupiter 14 Libra – July 8 (22:45 GMT)
Moon 17 Capricorn opposite Sun 17 Cancer – July 9 (04:07 GMT)
Moon 18 Capricorn conjunct Pluto 18 Capricorn – July 9 (06:06 GMT)
Moon 22 Capricorn opposite Mars 22 Cancer – July 9 (15:40 GMT)
Moon 28 Capricorn square Uranus 28 Aries – July 10 (02:12 GMT)

If you are at a crossroads in your life and pressure’s building to sort things out, this is important. The Moon triggers a Cardinal Grand Cross and even though the degrees of the planets aren’t exact, you might feel pulled in different directions.

How to deal with this? Decide in your life what stays, what goes. If something’s come to an end and you need to move on, here’s your opportunity. Be guided by your emotions. Where in life do you feel angry? Are you in a situation where you are trapped or powerless? Have you given your power away, have you lost control? Consider too who holds power over you.

There’s a decisive feel to this whole run of astrology which culminates during the Full Moon. Get ready to slam the door shut if necessary, toughen up if you need to, and make those big decisions.

Here are the areas highlighted by this Full Moon depending on your Sun Sign:

  • Aries – home, family, past  work, status, responsibility
  • Taurus – communication, neighbours, siblings, local neighbourhood  travel, study, exploration
  • Gemini – personal finances, possessions, values  other peoples’ money, money owed
  • Cancer – image, self-identity, personal goals  relationships, other people
  • Leo – retreat, secrets, self-undoing  work, service, health
  • Virgo – friends, groups, society  children, creativity, entertainment
  • Libra – work, status, responsibility  home, family, past
  • Scorpio – travel, study, exploration  communication, neighbours, siblings
  • Sagittarius – other peoples’ money, money owed  personal finances, possessions, values
  • Capricorn – relationships, other people  image, self-identity, personal goals
  •  Aquarius – work, service, health  retreat, secrets, self-undoing
  •  Pisces – children, creativity, entertainment  friends, groups, society

Know that the coming weekend’s Full Moon is laced with power and extreme measures. Be powerful without being drawn into manipulative or competitive behaviour.

In the *monthly astrology newsletter, I suggested that this month’s astrology isn’t for sissies. Now’s the time to step up and confront life’s challenges head on. Be responsible, be authoritative like the sign of Capricorn.

*sign up box, top right hand corner of the page.


5 thoughts on “Full Moon Capricorn: Extreme Measures”

    1. Dear Alison , if you dont mind me explaining.

      Taurus ‘ third house is Cancer.
      Taurus ‘ ninth house is Capricorn.

      Gemini ‘s secod house is Cancer.
      Gemini ‘s eighth house is Capricorn.

      It is the explanation of the axis of Cancer/Capricorn to each zodiac sign.

      Thank you

  1. Pingback: Full Moon in Capricorn/”Hades Moon” ~ July 8th/9th 2017 – astrologyinterest

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